Lighting class met at night for a class project lighting this silly sequence, strickly for educational purposes. The contrast ratios and exposures are not perfect as the class only had a 3 hour window to work in and it was getting cold. It was shot behind the Fairleigh Dickinson Unversity Florham Mansion.
Student were practicing lighting at night, establishing a white reference, lighting the bachgrounds and placing shadows.
This footage was shot analog video on a Sony BetaCam with a Fujion Zoom Lens. This was shot quite some time ago, but the concepts and methods remain the same today.
The lighting package was;
1 - Mole Richardson Baby Junior 2k Fresnel
1 - Chimera
2 - open-faced 1ks
6 - 650w Arri Fresnels
4 - 300w Arri Fresnels
1 - 250w Mole Inkie
1 - grip stand with bounce card
2 - grip stands with flags (& nets)
1 - high boy stand