Welcome to Lighting for Cinematography

This website is a companion information center for the book "Lighting for Cinematography: A practical guide to the art and craft of lighting for the moving image" by David Landau


Within these pages you will find information on ;

Lighting News

Information about the book,

Educational support for those using the book for teaching

Information about lighting workshops available 

Information about cinematographer/gaffer David Landau


Please explore and enjoy this website

I recently came across this new website devoted to motion picture lighting and grip. This could become a great resource for those of us in this line of the business. The button below links to their site.



David Landau is available for lighting workshops, seminars, guest lectures and demonstrations

A Practical Guide to the Art and Craft of Lighting for the Moving Image To purchase from amazon, click here

271 pages,

96 color photos,

29 diagrams,

14 chapters,

Lighting exercises,

Interviews with professional cinematographers and gaffers,


Resource appendix,

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© David Landau